We invite you to make use of the following resources.
Our Board of Christian Education maintains a church library for the benefit of our members. Our library is located in Luther Hall near the church office. Titles are grouped by media type (DVDs, CDs, books), category (Bibles, commentaries, history, Lutheranism, Christian life and faith, devotional, practical, etc.), and age (adults, teenagers, children), and may be checked out at no charge. A partial listing of titles can be found online at LibraryThing via the following link:
God's people need to beware of all the religious nonsense, spiritual gimmicks, and pious gibberish on the world wide web. The following list of websites has been compiled to help you learn more about the Christian faith and the Lutheran Church. We encourage you to browse these sights, bookmark the ones you like, and check back regularly for new ones. Have fun browsing!